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What Health Effects Does High Cholesterol Have?

High cholesterol, particularly elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, can significantly impact overall health, contributing to various health risks and complications. Here's an overview of the health effects associated with high cholesterol: Cardiovascular Diseases: 1. Atherosclerosis: High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. This accumulation narrows the arteries, restricting blood flow and increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. 2. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries can result in CAD, where narrowed or blocked arteries reduce blood flow to the heart, causing chest pain (angina) and potentially leading to heart attacks. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): 1. Reduced Blood Flow to Extremities: Plaque buildup in peripheral arteries can limit blood flow to the legs and arms, causing symptoms like leg pain while walking (claud...

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